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Sciarretta, E., Carriero, A., Marinensi, G.Optimizing user experience in amusement parks and enhancing their active role in urban spaces through new technologyHCII 2019 [in corso di pubblicazione]Springer2019
Antonio Opromolla, Valentina Volpi, Giovanni Andrea ParenteCo-Designing Game Solutions for Hybrid Urban Spaces. How Game Elements Can Improve Experience with the Mobility ServicesInteraction Design and Architecture(s) Journal - IxD&A, N.40, 9-232019
Volpi V., Opromolla A., Medaglia C.M.M.Analyzing social impact evaluation tools applied to design thinking: a proposal for improving user experience in urban spaces through social innovationIn: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Design Practice in Contemporary Societies. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11568.Springer, Cham2019
Volpi V., Opromolla A., Parente G.A., Medaglia C.M.M.Towards a multi-modal transportation scenario: an analysis about elderly needsIn: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Design Practice in Contemporary Societies. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11568. Springer, Cham2019
Lungeanu M. I., Parisi L.‘What makes a fashion blogger on Instagram? The Romanian case study'Observatorio (OBS*)2018
Giovanni Andrea Parente, Antonio Opromolla e Valentina Volpi Data-driven Journalism come punto di contatto tra cittadini, professionisti dell’informazione e IstituzioniIn “La crisi del giornalismo: imprevisti e possibilità” in “Comunicazionepuntodoc”, n.20, 115-125Lupetti Editore2018
Sarrica M., Farinosi M., Comunello F., Brondi S., Parisi L., Fortunati L. "Shaken and Stirred. Social Representations, Social Media and Community Empowerment in Emergency Contexts" Special Issue ‘Social Representations, ICTs and Community Empowerment, Semiotica.
Parisi L.Where 2.0. Media digitali ed esperienza del luogo. Guerini e Associati, Milano, ISBN: 978-88-8107-416-72018
Volpi V., Parente G.A., Pifferi G., Opromolla A., Medaglia C.M.M.Improving Quality of Interaction with the Mobility Services Through the Gamification ApproachIn: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Technologies. HCI 2018. LNCS, vol 10903, pp. 488-502Springer2018
Dibitonto, M., Leszczynska, K., Tazzi, F., Medaglia, C. M. Chatbot in a Campus Environment: Design of LiSA, a Virtual Assistant to Help Students in Their University LifeIn: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Technologies. HCI 2018. LNCS, vol. 10903, pp 103-116Springer2018
Armenia S., Di Nauta P., Pompei A.Un nuovo framework per la resilienza decisionale. Il ruolo della smart model-based governanceEvoluzionismo sistemico Il fascino della precarietà. Paola Maria Anna Paniccia, Sergio Barile, I edizione, Canterano (RM), Aracne, pp. 83 - 912018
Iandolo F., Barile S., Armenia S., Carrubbo L.A System Dynamics perspective on a Viable Systems approach definition for sustainable valueSUSTAINABILITY SCIENCESUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE, ISSN: 1862-40652018
Armenia, S., Iandolo, F., Fulco, I., Lettieri, M.Un modello di System Dynamics per la simulazione della cartolarizzazione dei crediti futuri: una risposta alle esigenze degli Enti LocaliIl controllo manageriale e gli indicatori di performance dentro e fuori le organizzazioni. Alcuni contributi di studio. vol. Anno VI, n. 11 - 2018, p. 231-264,Edizioni Nuova Cultura, ISBN: 97888681299032018
Armenia S., Onori R., Vito P., Morgante M.La conduzione manageriale delle aziende farmaceutiche di vendita al dettaglio: un approccio sistemico alla gestione integrata di scorte, promozioni e sostenibilità finanziariaIl controllo manageriale e gli indicatori di performance dentro e fuori le organizzazioni. Alcuni contributi di studio. GNOSEIS, vol. 11, p. 265-296, ROMA:Edizioni Nuova Cultura, ISBN: 9788868129903, ISSN: 2284-0567Edizioni Nuova Cultura, ISBN: 9788868129903, ISSN: 2284-05672018
Armenia S, Carvalho H, Ferreira Franco E, Medaglia C M, Nonino F, Pompei A, Rocha dos Santos JUnderstanding the root causes of water scarcity through System Dynamics: the Italian case of the Bracciano lakeCocreating Responsible Futures in the Digital Age: exploring new paths towards economic, social and environmental Sustainability 5th Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium - Book of AbstractBusiness Systems Laboratory, ISBN: 97888908242652018
Barile S., Iandolo F., Armenia S.A Viable Systems Approach (vSa) to Social Neurosciences.NEUROECONOMICS: THEORY, APPLICATIONS, AND PERSPECTIVES. p. 235-255, Milano:Egea - UBE, ISBN: 97888999022782018
Dos Santos, Joaquim Rocha, Franco, Eduardo Ferreira, Carvalho, Hamilton Coimbra, Armenia, Stefano, Pompei, Alessandro, Medaglia, Carlo MariaWater used to be infinite: a Brazilian tale of climate changeKYBERNETESKYBERNETES, ISSN: 0368-492X, doi: 10.1108/K-11-2017-04382018
Capogna S., Marinensi G.Tra Ambienti ed esperienze di apprendimento: il digitale come possibilitàI PRIMI 20 ANNI: RIFLESSIONI SULLA FRONTIERA DELLA CONOSCENZAEurilink, ISBN: 978 88 85622 42 52018
Comunello F., Mulargia S., Parisi L. ‘Non parlarmi, non ti sento’. Processi di sense giving nella controversia sui vaccini infantili tra gli utenti di Facebook'Problemi dell’informazione, n. 3, p.431-457.Il Mulino2017
Massidda L., Parisi L., ‘Public Art 2.0? Exploring the ambivalent relationship between two ‘participatory’ logics’ in (eds.) in (eds.) Iannelli L., Musarò P Territories of Political Participation. Public Art, Urban Design, and Performative Citizenship’.Memesis2017
Volpi, V., Opromolla, A.The role of design in supporting the continual emergence of hybrid spaces of interaction within the cityIn Di Lucchio, L., Imbesi, L., Atkinson, P. (eds.) Design for Next: Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Design Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 12-14 April 2017, The Design Journal, Volume 20, 2017 - Issue sup1Taylor & Francis2017
Opromolla, A., Volpi, V., Pollini, A., Verioli, A., Mesenzani, M., Medaglia, C. M.Citizen Involvement in Public Services Design: The SPAC3 Case StudyInternational Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA), 4(4), 34-50.2017
Botte B., Marinensi G., TECLO: a MOOC course for future textile managersITMC (International conference on intelligent textiles an mass customisation) Proceedings2017
C. MateraGli interventi artistici per lo sviluppo del territorioVisioni Culturali. Idee e strumenti per favorire lo sviluppo dei territori, curated by L. De Angelis, F. Pesce, M. Romano, Ancona, Piceno University Press, 2017Visioni Culturali. Idee e strumenti per favorire lo sviluppo dei territori, a cura di L. De Angelis, F. Pesce, M. RomanoAncona, Piceno University Press2017
Dibitonto, M., Tazzi, F., Leszczynska, K., Medaglia, C.The IoT Design Deck: A Tool for the Co-design of Connected ProductsIn: Ahram T., Falcão C. (eds) Advances in Usability and User Experience. AHFE 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 607, pp. 217-227Springer2017
Só, Bassiro, Franco, Ferreira E., Carvalho, Hamilton Coimbra, Santos, Joaquim Rocha dos, Armenia S.Nobody deserves this fate: the vicious cycle of low human development in Guinea-BissauKYBERNETESKYBERNETES, ISSN: 0368-492X, doi: 10.1108/K-05-2017-01912017
G. Marinensi, B. Botte, B. BarcaTRUE HUNTERS: THE GAME THAT TEACHES TEENAGERS TO RESPECTINTELLECTUAL PROPERTYProceedings of: 12th WIPO Advisory Committee on Enforcement2017
Botte B., Barca S., Marinensi G., Medaglia C.M. True Hunters. A Serious Game against counterfeitingProceedings of: The 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning - ECGBL 2016. Paisley, UKAcademic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
Reading, UK.
A. Imbellone, G. MarinensiSul serio o per gioco? Potenzialità e limiti dei serious game in campo educativoDidattica digitale. Un’analisi educativo-sociale nell’era delle ICT (a cura di Stefania Nirchi e Stefania Capogna)ANICIA2016
Opromolla A., Volpi V., Grimaldi R., Palatucci M., Medaglia C. M.Defining a meta-design framework for knitting the emergent city elementsActa Europeana Systemica 05. Proceedings for the 2e European Systemics Seminars (ESS2015) of the European Union for Systemics (EUS): Systemic continuities and interactions between architecture and social systems: Knowledge for the future of the knowledge society2016
Opromolla A., Palatucci M., Spalletta A.The game as the central element of interactive and social systems for the transformation of the urban environmentActa Europeana Systemica 05. Proceedings for the 2e European Systemics Seminars (ESS2015) of the European Union for Systemics (EUS): Systemic continuities and interactions between architecture and social systems: Knowledge for the future of the knowledge society2016
Volpi V., Palatucci M., Marinelli De Marco G.The emergent city. Interactive relational systems between public administration and citizen to foster sustainable processes of urban developmentActa Europeana Systemica 05. Proceedings for the 2e European Systemics Seminars (ESS2015) of the European Union for Systemics (EUS): Systemic continuities and interactions between architecture and social systems: Knowledge for the future of the knowledge society2016
Volpi V., Opromolla A., Grimaldi R., De Cecio V., Palatucci M., Medaglia C. M.Thinking Smart City with a focus on emerging identity elementsMinati, G., Abram, M., Pessa, E. (eds.) Towards a Post-Bertalanffy Systemics, Series: Contemporary Systems Thinking, pp 175-180Springer2016
G. Fabbri, C. M. Medaglia, A. Pecora, L. Maiolo, M. SantelloCyber Physical Systems and Body Area Sensor Networks in Smart CitiesISIE 2016, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Santa Clara, California, USA, 9-11 June 2016IEEE2016
G. Fabbri, C. M. Medaglia, D. Sbordone, B. Di PietraA Tool for the Analysis of Energy Systems in Smart CitiesISIE 2016, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Santa Clara, California, USA, 9-11 June 2016IEEE2016
G. Fabbri, C. M. Medaglia, M. Antonucci, M. Ippolito, E. Saraceno, L. Fiorentino, M. Bistolfi, P. Cozzolino, M. GallarateAn Innovative System for a Clean and Sustainable Public Transport System in Smart CitiesISIE 2016, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Santa Clara, California, USA, 9-11 June 2016IEEE2016
Comunello F., Mulargia S., Parisi L.‘The ‘proper’way to spread ideas through social media: exploring the affordances and constraints of different social media platforms as perceived by Italian activists’.The Sociological Review. 2016
Comunello F., Parisi L., E. Casarotti, V. Lauciani,‘Tweeting after an earthquake: user localization and communication patterns during the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence’. Annals of Geophysics, ISSN: 2037-416XAnnals of Geophysics, ISSN: 2037-416X2016
Parisi L., Comunello F. ‘Italian Grindr users: self-presentation strategies, online visibility and (public) display of sexual orientation’ in (eds.) .in Dhoest A., Szulc L. & Eeckhout B., LGBTQs, Media and Culture in EuropeRoutledge2016
Opromolla A., Volpi V.Umanizzare le città. Riflessioni a partire dalla "vita quotidiana" di de CerteauIn “Michel de Certeau. Teorico e sociologo della vita quotidiana” in “Comunicazionepuntodoc”, n.14, 253-267Lupetti Editore2016
Opromolla A., Volpi V., Grimaldi R., Medaglia C. M.City usability: a proposal for evaluating the perceived usability of a city on the basis of the website quality modelsIn: Masaaki Kurosu (eds.) Human-Computer Interaction. Theory, Design, Development and Practice. HCI International 2016, Part I. LNCS, vol. 9731, pp. 384-395Springer International Publishing2016
Volpi V., Opromolla A., Medaglia C. M.The City as an Interface Between Citizens and Public AdministrationsIn: Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Chuan-Hoo Tan (eds.) HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations: Information Systems. HCIBGO 2016 - HCI International 2016, Part II. LNCS, vol. 9752, pp. 231-240Springer International Publishing2016
Grimaldi R., Opromolla A., Parente G. A., Sciarretta E., Volpi V.Rethinking public transport services for elderly through a transgenerational design approachIn: Jia Zhou, Gavriel Salvendy (eds.) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Healthy and Active Aging. ITAP 2016 - HCI International 2016, Part II. LNCS, vol. 9755, pp. 395-406Springer International Publishing2016
Opromolla A., Volpi V., Medaglia C.M.Playful Interactions for the Citizens' Engagement. The Musical Language as a Possible ApplicationIn: Constantine Stephanidis (eds.) HCI International 2016 – Posters' Extended Abstracts. HCI International 2016, Part II. LNCS, vol. 618, pp. 71-76Springer International Publishing2016
Opromolla A., Dibitonto M., Frausin S., Barca S., Matera C., Medaglia C.M.Enhancing Data Visualization Modes Through a Physical Representation: The “Makerometer” SolutionIn: Stephanidis C. (eds), HCI International 2016 – Posters' Extended Abstracts. CCIS, vol. 617, pp. 276-281Springer International Publishing2016
A. Ingrosso, C. MateraLa fruizione dei Beni Culturali nelle Smart Cities: definizioni, problemi e metodi“In-formazione – Studi e ricerche su giovani, media e formazione”, Reggio Calabria, Falzea Editore2016
Opromolla A., Ingrosso A., Volpi V., Medaglia C.M., Palatucci M., Pazzola M.Gamification in a Smart City Context. An Analysis and A Proposal for its Application in Co-Design ProcessesDe Gloria, A. (eds.) Games and Learning Alliance (Third International Conference, GALA 2014, Bucharest, Romania, July 2-4, 2014, Revised Selected Papers). LNCS, vol.9221, pp. 73-82Springer2015
Grimaldi R., Cipelli V., Medaglia C. M.CubeMate: a new communication device as non-verbal interface in a shared spaceMarcus, A. (eds.) Design, User Experience and Usability (DUXU 2015) - HCI International 2015, LNCS, vol.9187, pp.434-443Springer2015
Sciarretta E., Ingrosso A., Volpi V., Opromolla A., Grimaldi R.Elderly and Tablets: Considerations and Suggestions About the Design of Proper ApplicationsZhou, J., Salvendy, G. (eds.) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging - HCI International 2015, LNCS, vol. 9193, pp. 509–518Springer2015
Ingrosso A., Volpi V., Opromolla A., Sciarretta E., Medaglia C.M.UX and Usability on Smart TV: A Case Study on a T-commerce ApplicationFui-Hoon Nah, F., Tan, C.H. (eds.) HCI in Business - HCI International 2015. LNCS, vol. 9191, pp. 312–323Springer2015
Opromolla A., Volpi V., Ingrosso A., Fabri S., Rapuano C., Passalacqua D., Medaglia C.M.A Usability Study of a Gesture Recognition System Applied During the Surgical ProceduresMarcus, A. (eds.) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Interactive Experience Design - HCI International 2015. LNCS, vol. 9188, pp. 682–692Springer2015
Opromolla A., Volpi V., Ingrosso A., Medaglia C.M.Co-design Practice in a Smart City Context Through the Gamification Approach: A Survey About the Most Suitable ApplicationsStreitz, N., Markopoulos, P. (eds.) Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions - HCI International 2015. LNCS, vol. 9189, pp. 578–589Springer2015
Sciarretta, E., Ingrosso, A., Carriero, A.Guidelines for designing accessible digital (text)books: the italian caseAntona M., Stephanidis C. (eds) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Learning, Health and Well-Being - HCI International 2015. LNCS, vol. 9177, pp. 202-213Springer2015
Opromolla A.“Gamified” Social Dynamics in the Interactive Systems as a Possible Solution for Increasing Co-Design of Emerging Services in Smart TerritoriesMecella, M., Piccinno A. (eds.): Doctoral Consortium of CHItaly 2015, pp. 46-57, CEUR-WS, vol. 14622015
Sciarretta E., Benedetti F., Ingrosso A., Grimaldi R.SmarTV Care. Smart TVs and Health Care - Applications and ImplicationsEncyclopedia of E-Health and TelemedicineIGI Global2015
Imbellone A., Marinensi G., Botte B., Medaglia C.M. Appling game-based learning principles to the design of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): the TECLO project approach In Proceedings of: CIAAF 2015 - 1st IBERO-AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON FUTURE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. Porto, Portugal. Revista do Departemento de Innovaçã, Ciência e Tecnologia, Universitade Portucalense2015
Botte B., Imbellone A., Marinensi G., Barca S.The Chronicles of Knowledge: Learning with a Tabletop GameProceedings of: CIAAF 2015 - 1st IBERO-AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON FUTURE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. Porto, Portugal. Revista do Departemento de Innovaçã, Ciência e Tecnologia, Universitade Portucalense2015
Botte B., Imbellone A., Marinensi G., Medaglia C.M. The ludic and narrative components in game based learning: a classroom training experienceProceedings of: The 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2015. Stenkjer, NorwayNord-Trondelag UniversityCollege, Steinkjer, Norway2015
Imbellone A., Marinensi G., Medaglia C.M.Instructions and Feedback in Connection with the Duration and the Level of Difficulty of a Serious GameProceedings of the Games and Learning Alliance Conference (GALA 2015). Rome, Italy.Springer2015
Imbellone A., Botte B., Marinensi G., Medaglia C.M.A ludic/narrative interpretation of the willingness to repeatedly play mobile serious gamesInternational Journal On Advances in Networks and Services, volume 8, issue 3&4, ISSN 1942-2644.IARIA2015
Imbellone A., Marinensi G., Medaglia C.M.Empirical evidence of the game-based learning advantages for online students persistenceEAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games, 08 2014-07 2015 |Volume 15| Issue 4 | e5ICST2015
Imbellone A., Botte B., Medaglia C.M. An Empirical Study on the Ludic and Narrative Components in Mobile Game-Based LearningProceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2015). p. 8-13, Lisbon (Portugal), February 22-27IARIA2015
Imbellone, A., Botte, B., Medaglia, C.M.Serious Games for Mobile Devices: the InTouch Project Case StudyInternational Journal of Serious Games (IJSG), 1(2), 17-27Serious Games Society2015
Parisi L.Where 2.0’. Exploring the Place Experience of ‘Hyperconnected’ Digital MediaIl Mulino2015
Lovari A., Parisi L.Listening to digital publics. Investigating citizens’ voices and engagement within Italian municipalities’ Facebook PagesJournal of Public Relations Research.
Volpi V., Ingrosso A., Pazzola M., Opromolla A., Medaglia C. M.Roma Crash Map: an Open Data Visualization Tool for the Municipalities of RomeYamamoto S. (eds.): Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Knowledge in Applications and Services - HCI International 2014. LNCS, vol. 8522, pp. 284-295Springer2014
Opromolla A., Ingrosso A, Volpi V., Pazzola M., Medaglia C. M.A user-centered approach in designing NFC couponing platform. The case study of CMM applicationsNah F. F.-H (eds.): HCI in Business - HCI International 2014. LNCS, vol. 8527, pp. 360-370Springer2014
Ingrosso A., Sciarretta E., Opromolla A., Pazzola M., Volpi V., Medaglia C.M.Smart City definizioni e classifiche. Il caso italianoIn “Smart City. Città, tecnologia, comunicazione” in “Comunicazionepuntodoc”, n.10, 55-67Lupetti Editore2014
Marinensi, G.,
Medaglia, C.M.
Inf@nziaDIGI.tales 3.6 programma Operativo
Nazionale Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013
In-Formazione, Studi e ricerche su giovani,
media e formazione, 12(4), 101-105
Maggioli Editore,
Imbellone, A.,
Botte, B.,
Medaglia, C.M.
Intouch: Mobile Game-Based Learning for
non Routine Skills
Proceedings of the Games and Learning Alliance Conference (GALA 2014).Springer2014
Matera, C.,
Medaglia, C.M.
E-learning per la Storia dell’Arte. Definizione di un modello
per l’elaborazione e sperimentazione di un
corso pilota
Proceedings of the Serious Games in Education conference
(SeriGamEX 2014)
Di Corinto A.Un dizionario hackerUn dizionario hackerS. Cesario di Lecce, Manni Editori, ISBN 978-88-6266-516-22014
Di Corinto A.Hacking netculturale e sabotaggioCome si fa. Tecniche e prospettive di rivoluzioneS. Cesario di Lecce, Manni Editori, ISBN 978-88-6266-414-12014
Matera C., Ingrosso A.La fruizione dei beni culturali nelle smart cities: Definizioni problemi e metodiIn-Formazione. Studi e ricerche su giovani, media e formazione, n.12, ISSN:1970-6723Maggioli Editore, Milano2013
Pazzola M., Ingrosso A., Opromolla A., Volpi V., Medaglia C. M., Calabrìa A.Progettare con gli Open Data. Roma Crash Map: una piattaforma sugli incidenti stradali nel Comune di RomaLa smart city al servizio del cittadino. La call for papers di Smart City Exhibition 2013, pp. 91-103FORUM PA2013
Biader Ceipidor U., Medaglia C. M. , Volpi V., Moroni A., Sposato S., Carboni M., Caridi A. NFC technology applied to touristic-cultural field: A case study on an Italian museum2013 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication (NFC), p. 1-6IEEE2013
Caridi A., Coccoli M., Volpi V.Wolfsoniana Smart Museum. A Pilot Plant Installation of the PALM-Cities ProjectProceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage. p. 37-40UMAP Workshops2013
Volpi V., Opromolla A., Medaglia C. M., Ingrosso A., Palatucci M.The ItalianNeedMap: a Participatory Open Citizens-Oriented Tool for a Qualitative Development Planning Process in Smart TerritoriesPeople Centered Smart Territories: Design, Learning and Analytics. Bologna (Smart City Exibition), 16 ottobre 2013Abstract in Atti di Convegno2013
Marinensi, G.,
Matera, C.
Creating e-learning History of Art courses in
Higher Education
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society (Je-lKS), 2(9), 77-872013
Biader Ceipidor U. Medaglia C.M., Opromolla A., Volpi V., Moroni A., Sposato S. A Survey about User Experience Improvement in Mobile Proximity Payment4th International Research Workshop with focus on Near Field CommunicationIEEE2012
Marinensi, G.,
Matera, C.
Soluzioni di mobile playful learning in
ambito museale
Primo quaderno Qwerty Mobile learning. Esperienze e riflessioni
“made in Italy”, 66-76
Botte, B., Marinensi, G., Medaglia, C.M., & Putz T.InTouch: an innovative m-learning kit to improve non-routine skillsProceedings of the 4th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN12) (pp. 3152-3158).IATED2012
Barca, S., Botte, B., Marinensi, G., Matera, C., & Medaglia, C. M.A Taxonomy and a Proposal for a Classification of Serious GamesHandbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools (pp. 1064-1079)IGI GLOBAL2012
Bianchino C., Marinensi G., Medaglia C. M., Ruozzi E.The role of e-tutors in the e-learning training paths: the experience of the Italian Revenue AgencyJournal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, v.8, n.1, 23-31Italian e-Learning Association (SIeL)2012
Sciarretta E., Medaglia C. M.AccessibilitàErgonomia Cognitiva, Di Nocera F. (a cura di), pp. 225-242Carocci, Roma2011
Camilli M., Dibitonto M., Vona A., Grimaldi R., Medaglia C. M., Di Nocera F.Searching digital audio broadcasting radio stations: usability and safety issues for in-vehicle devicesMarti P., Soro A., Gamberini L., Bagnara L. (eds.): CHItaly. Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Facing Complexity, pp.143-147ACM2011
Medaglia C. M., Moroni A., Vilmos A., Benyo B., Biader Ceipidor U., Volpi V.Services, Use Cases and Future Challenges for Near Field Communication: the StoLPaN ProjectCristina Turcu, Deploying RFID - Challenges, Solutions, and Open Issues. p. 265-290INTECH Open Access Publisher2011
Biader Ceipidor U., Medaglia C. M., Volpi V., Moroni A., Sposato S., Tamburrano M.Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the IoT domain: the ShopLovers solutionSoftware, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2011 19th International Conference on., p. 1-5IEEE2011
Marinensi G.Serious Games: a proposal of taxonomy based on the relationship between game and simulationProceedings of Games and Creativity in Education and Training (GACET’11) ConferenceFridericiana editrice universitaria2011
Botte B., Marinensi G., Medaglia C.M.Progettare soluzioni di lifelong learning mediante l'utilizzo di serious games per device mobili: l'esperienza InTouchAtti del VIII Congresso SIe-L, Società Italiana di e-LearningItalian e-Learning Association (SIeL)2011
Barca S., Marinensi G., Matera C., Medaglia C.M.Vero come Loro: un serious game sulla lotta alla contraffazioneAtti del VIII Congresso SIe-L, Società Italiana di e-LearningItalian e-Learning Association (SIeL)2011
Bianchino C., Marinensi G., Medaglia C.M., Ruozzi E.Selezione, formazione e affiancamento del tutor di processo in percorsi formativi in modalità e-learning: l'esperienza dell’Agenzia delle EntrateAtti del VIII Congresso SIe-L, Società Italiana di e-LearningItalian e-Learning Association (SIeL)2011
Bianchino C., Campanella A., Marinensi G., Medaglia C.M., Ruozzi E.Integrating e-learning in company training programmes: an opportunity to increase the value of internal know-howJournal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, English Edition, v.7, n.2, 37-45Italian e-Learning Association (SIeL)2011
Di Corinto A.Hacktivism. Gli hacker e l’economia informazionaleComunicazione liberata. Altri modi di comunicare e partecipareBrioschi Editore. ISBN 97888953996382011
Biader Ceipidor U., Medaglia C. M., Sciarretta E.SeSaMoNet 2.0: improving a navigation system for visually impaired peopleProceedings of the First international joint conference on Ambient Intelligence, AmI'10, Malaga, Spain, pp. 248-2532010
Marinensi G., Matera C., Medaglia C.M.Progettare soluzioni di mobile playful learning per i musei italianiAtti della prima Giornata di studio: Mobile Learning, Sestri Levante2010
Bianchino C., Campanella A., Marinensi G., Medaglia C.M., Ruozzi E.E-Learning e blended learning nella formazione del personale dell’Agenzia delle Entrate. L’esperienza del corso pilota 'Controllo automatizzato delle dichiarazioniAtti del VI Congresso SIe-L, Società Italiana di e-LearningItalian e-Learning Association (SIeL)2010
Di Corinto A., Gilioli, A.I nemici della reteUn dizionario hackerBUR-Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, ISBN 97888170427582010
Di Corinto A.Così il web aiuta la pubblica amministrazione ad innovareIl senso dell’innovazione. Conversazioni con Paolo Zocchi per ricordare per continuare a fare!Plus Pisa University Press, ISBN 97888849270952010
Di Corinto A.Internet e l‘EuropaEuropa 2.0. Prospettive ed evoluzioni del sogno europeoOmbre Corte, ISBN 978-88-95366-68-52010
Biader Ceipidor U., Ingrosso A., Marchi E., Medaglia C.M., Sciarretta E.Designing a Location Based Service for visually impaired people: MWA GuideAssistive Technology Research Series, Volume 25 – Assistive Technology From Adapted Equipment to Inclusive Environments, pp. 74-78IOS Press2009
Biader Ceipidor U., Medaglia C. M., Sciarretta E.The LUA ToolbarIxD&A, Interaction Design & Architecture(s) – Year III & IV – N. 5 & 6 – Winter 2008 / Spring 2009 – Design for the Future Experience, pp. 49-522009
Botte B., Matera C., Sponsiello M.Serious Games between simulation and game. A proposal of taxonomyJournal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, v.5, n.2Italian e-Learning Association (SIeL)2009
Di Corinto A.Culture, a common heritageE-gov 2.0: pave the way for eParticipationEurospace, ISBN 978-88-903018-3-42009
Di Corinto una piattaforma “open” per gli user generated contentsContenuti aperti, beni comuniMcGraw-Hill Companies, ISBN 88386655242009
Di Corinto A.Open SourceParole di una nuova politicaXL Edizioni, ISBN 978-88-6083-012-82007
Di Corinto A.Open Source PoliticsReteCarocci, ISBN 88-430-4000-62006
Di Corinto A.L’innovazione necessariaL’innovazione necessariaRGB Editore, ISBN 88-6084-038-42006
Di Corinto A.Revolution OS IIRevolution OS IIApogeo Editore, EAN 97888503232722005
Di Corinto A.La democrazia dell’informazione tra TV e nuovi mediaAIDEMCarocci.2005
Di Corinto A.Liberi e binari. La convergenza tra i programmatori sostenitori del software libero e i movimenti socialiLa privatizzazione della vita. Brevetti, monopoli, multinazionali. Le alternative alla mercificazione del mondoPunto Rosso Edizioni, ISBN 88-8351-041-02005
Di Corinto A., T.TozziHacktivism. La libertà nelle maglie della reteHacktivism. La libertà nelle maglie della reteManifestoLibri, ISBN 88728524982002
Di Corinto A.Don’t hate the media, become the mediaLa sfida al G8Manifestolibri, ISBN 88728526172001